Thursday, October 3, 2013

To do list - updated 10/3

I've been doing a little work and have already knocked a couple of things off my list!

1. Ship giveaway book to Brenda
2. Ship quilt to cousin
3. Finish binding dog quilt
4. Quilt Black, Red and White strips - Ebb and Flow - loaded on the frame right now! - DONE!
5. Quilt Black, Red and White flowers - Bubbles - loaded on the frame with a few passes already made
6. Quilt Easy Street - Bubbles
6. Trim Easy Street and apply binding
7. Make Comic Strip quilt top and binding - Almost done with this!
8. Quilt Comic Strip quilt
9. Bind Comic Strip quilt
10. Quilt Snowflake quilt - Glacee
11. Quilt Lois' Celebration
12. Quilt houses
13. Design for Daisy quilt
14. Design for February wedding quilt
I'm making good progress! :)

1 comment:

1. Regina said...

wow -you are cruising!!!