And on my recommendation, we all had pie! I think that most of us had peanut butter. All but the 2 with the allergies, if memory serves me correctly. Although, I think that Moneik got the Reese’s pie which may have had a layer of chocolate, but it still have the peanut butter in there! And I also missed a picture of Moneik, but here is everyone else with their pie!
Jen's berry pie


Me and Regina




And me again

Ooops, somehow we missed Moneik's picture. :(
I think it was unanimous that the pie was awesome!
Once we were done, I drove with Regina and told her where we were heading and the others in the van used Jen’s Garmin to get to the next stops.
I think it's because M was taking the pics. I do have a pic of her it all makes sense somehow!!
It was scrumptious pie! I was taking the pictures, so that's why there are none of me.
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