Thursday, February 1, 2018

A finished top!

I meant to post this yesterday, but I ended up working from home and tried to get so much done in the time that I was online and then I went to a new local meeting of long armers and by the time I got home, I was too pooped to even sew!

So I am posting my January OMG update, my WIP Wednesday, my January UFO finish... So many blogs to link to!

Let's start with the January One Month Goals. Here are the goals.

1. Work on steps 1-3 of Road to Llano (#1)
2. Cut out and piece blocks for Come Sit a Spell (#10)
3. Work on the Sock Monkey HSTs
4. Quilt 2 personal things on To Be Quilted list

I really tried to limit myself to steps 1-3 on Road to Llano, but I haven't been able to stop myself from working on it!


I am just about done with step 9 - I just have to do the final pressing of the darker complimentary blocks. But I couldn't resist laying out the blocks to see how it was going to end up looking. This is going to be a king sized quilt for my parents to use on their bed.

And once I got the blocks made for the Come Sit a Spell, I just have to keep going on that one, too. It helped that it was the UFO number pulled on Judy's blog.



I need to get backing for this one and put it in the to be quilted line.

Unfortunately, I didn't work on the sock monkey HSTs other than to separate them into stacks of the same fabric so that I can lay out the blocks. And now, the design wall is occupied....

And I didn't get anything quilted. But I have a kind of big event happening in a couple of weeks and I need to get the house in order and one of the things on my list is to get my upstairs railing cleared and that is what I have part of my To Be Quilted pile.

Now, I will make up my February OMG...

1. Work on t shirt quilt for Aunt Donna
2. Quilt 4 personal items
3. Declutter 3 areas
4. Sock Monkey HSTs (because they will need to be packed up if not assembled into a top!)

Also, I am adding the Halloween top to my 18 flimsies in 2018.

1. Come Sit a Spell

All in all, I think I did very well for my first month at my sewing machine in way too long! 

I am linking up with....
Lynette for February 18 in 2018
Judy for the January UFO finish
Elm Street Quilts for One Month Goal
Sarah for Whoop Whoop Friday


1. Brooke said...

what an amazing project!

thanks so much for linking up!

2. Jennifer said...

You did great! Love how Road to Llano is looking and the Halloween quilt is cute - are you keeping that one?

3. Patty said...

Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project. (You only need to pick 1 thing for OMG!)

4. Lynette said...

Yay for a flimsy finish! Your OMG list inspired me to go now and clean off the piano top and the pile in the hidden corner so that room will stop bugging me. :)