Friday, April 19, 2013

On The Needles - 4/19

I am still working on my second Zora sock, but I have finished the cuff!


I actually did one extra row by mistake, but I am leaving it since no one will be able to tell.

The yarn is Madelinetosh in Hickory. And I know that if I ever make this pattern again, I will use a larger size needle so that the socks are not pulled so tight on my foot. :)

I haven't done much on this second sock because I have been spending my evenings working on the basement to get things cleaned out and ready for the Avante delivery and set up. I'm making progress!


1. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

It's a start. I haven't made much progress on my sock this week either.

2. straythreads said...

I scrolled down to see your first sock or the pair beautiful color Ann

3. Judy S. said...

The only socks that got worked on by me this week were itty bitty ones...... Love that hickory color!